International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design (ISQED)
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Program at a Glance


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ISQED 2015 Conference At-a-Glance

Monday, March 2, 2015


ISQED 2015 Tutorials

Great America Meeting Room 3


The Frontiers of Robust Circuit Design in Sub-28nm Process Technologies
Jim Dodrill - ARM

Powering Microsystems
Prof. Gabriel A. Rincón-Mora - Georgia Tech

Reliability Challenges in Sub 20nm Technology

Secure Hardware in the Nano Era: Some New Directions
Prof. Swarup Bhunia - Case Western

Security and Validation in SoC Designs - Cooperation, Conflicts, and Trade-offs
Dr. Sandip Ray - Intel Corporation

Neuromorphic Computing based Processors
Prof. Hao Jiang - San Francisco State University

Tuesday, March 3, 2015


Plenary Session 1P

Great America Ballroom


Keynote Speeches:

Rethinking Design Creation, Verification and Validation for the Internet of Things

George Zafiropoulos -Vice President of Solutions Marketing in the AWR Group , National Instruments

What's Really Driving the Internet of Things? – Insights on the Market, Technology and Challenges

Mike Ballard - Sr. Manager, Home Appliance Solutions and Smart Energy Groups , Microchip Technology


Morning Break

10:20am–12 Noon

Session 1A

Robust Memory Design



Great America Meeting Room 1

Session 1B

Advances in Physical Design & Optimization


Great America Meeting Room 2

Session 1C

Manufacturing, Modeling, and Design Issues in Nanoscale CMOS


Great America Meeting Room 3

12 Noon–1:30pm

ISQED Luncheon

Room: Silicon Valley


Best Paper Awards

Committee Recognition Awards

ISQED Fellow Award

Luncheon Panel Discussion

Industry Panel on Hardware and System Security

ARM, Intel, Microsemi, Cadence, Freescale


Session 2A

Voltage Regulators and Analog Design

Great America Meeting Room 1

Session 2B

Architectural Analysis and Algorithms

Great America Meeting Room 2

Session 2C

BIST and Scan Testing


Great America Meeting Room 3


Afternoon Break


Session 3A

Low Power Circuit Design



Great America Meeting Room 1

Session 3B

Energy and Power Management for IOT


Great America Meeting Room 2

Session 3C

Low-power and Robust Design Techniques


Great America Meeting Room 3


Poster Papers & Mixer

Room: Atrium

Wednesday, March 4, 2015


Plenary Session 2P

Great America Ballroom


Keynote Speeches:

From Cluster to Cloud: How to Harness the Internet of Things

Clodoaldo Barrera - Chief Technical Strategist , IBM

Connecting the Dots to achieve high Reliability and Quality

Raj N. Master - General Manager, Reliability, Quality and Silicon Operations , Microsoft


Morning Break

10:20am–12 Noon

Session 4A

Challenges in SOC Design



Great America Meeting Room 1

Session 4B

Network and Multiprocessing Systems



Great America Meeting Room 2

Session 4C

Verification and Delay Measurement


Great America Meeting Room 3

12 Noon–1:00pm

Lunch Break


Session 5A

Hardware and System Security



Great America Meeting Room 1

Session 5B

Systems Implementation and Optimization


Great America Meeting Room 2

Session 5C

Packaging and 3D Integration



Great America Meeting Room 3


Afternoon Break


Session 6A

Sensor Technology




Great America Meeting Room 1

Session 6B

EDA for Design Exploration & Analysis Beyond Moore's Law


Great America Meeting Room 2

Session 6C

Emerging Solid-State Device and Interconnect Technologies


Great America Meeting Room 3


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