International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design (ISQED)


Program at a Glance


Press Room
Press Room


Conference Venue

ISQED'24 conference will be held in Seven Hills Conference Center, located in San Francisco State University, 800 Font Blvd, San Francisco, CA 94132.

If you are using navigator the address to use is: 796 state drive, San Francisco, CA 94132 (Note: use Google Map App instead of Apple Map App). At the end of State Drive is the Public Parking Lot (“Lot 20”). Parking is $6.25 for less than 2 hours, and $10 for 2+ hours. Pay stations on each floor accept $1, $5 and $10 bills as well as credit/debit cards. Be advised, pay stations do not provide change. Please have exact amount. From the garage, Seven Hills' entrance can be accessed from State Drive by walking Southwest towards the A.S. Children’s Center and taking the staircase beside it up one flight. Wheelchair access: go past the A.S. Children’s Center and take a left onto the path. Follow to the entrance to the Seven Hills Conference Center. Also, please check the Driving Direction file.

If you are looking for hotel accommodation near university please visit this link: Off-Campus Housing Options