International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design (ISQED)

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Press Release

ISQED 2001 Highlights Growing Importance of Quality on Design and Manufacturing

Conference Promotes Close Cooperation Between All Disciplines in Electronic Design

San Jose, Calif. -- April 19, 2001 – International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design (ISQED), a premier Design conference, reported today that in its only second year of existence, participation in the conference grew significantly and included attendance from over 200 organizations spanning 20 countries worldwide. The audience, similar to last year, came from not only the design community but also included strong participation from EDA, semiconductor manufacturing, and other industries, which highlights one of ISQED missions – to promote the communication between all disciplines involved with the electronic design.

“As ISQED enters its 3rd year of existence, I remain convinced that to achieve total design quality, the design process and tools needs to be critically re-examined.” said Ali Iranmanesh, the conference chairman, in his opening remarks. “Time proven quality principles and measures should be applied not only to the manufacturing process, but also to design tools, methodologies, and infrastructure."

“Design quality has always been a major concern, and ISQED has done an excellent job elevating its importance”, said Hajime Sasaki, chairman of the board of NEC (Nasdaq: NIPNY) and ISQED keynote speaker.

Joe Costello, chairman and CEO of think3, and former CEO of Cadence Design Systems was another keynote speaker. "It’s been a few years since I have been directly involved with EDA, but ISQED seems to uniquely address all the critical issues surrounding the design of System on chip (SoC), which is the fastest growing design segment”, said Costello.

Other keynote speakers included Edward Ross, President of TSMC USA (NYSE: TSM); Aki Fujimura, COO and President of Simplex; Philippe Magarshack, Vice President of Central R&D Group and Director of Design Automation, STMicroelectronics (NYSE: STM), Raul Camposano, CTO and General Manager of Synopsys (Nasdaq: SNPS); Vinod Agrawal, CEO of Logic Vision; and Wojciech P. Maly, Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Carnegie Mellon University.

“We are extremely satisfied with the quality of ISQED and pleased to be one of the sponsors for ISQED”, said Chi-Foon Chan, President and COO of Synopsys. “The quality of the people who attended makes this conference a leading technical conferences in the design community."

ISQED 2001 was sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society, Technical Committees on TTTC, VLSI & Design Automation, and held in cooperation with Fables Semiconductor Association and sigDA/ACM. The conference media and industry support was provided by EE Times, ISD Magazine, Synopsys (Nasdaq: SNPS), Cadence Design Systems (NYSE: CDN), Fujitsu Microelectronics, Sun Microsystems (Nasdaq: SUNW), Monterey Design, Numerical Technologies (Nasdaq: NMTC), UMC (NYSE: UMC), Artisan Components (Nasdaq: ARTI), Nassda, PDF Solutions, Dolphin Technologies, and Tavanza, all technology leaders in their perspective fields.

About the International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design

The International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design (ISQED) is an electronic design and design automation conference focused on design quality. The conference provides a forum to present and exchange ideas and to promote the research, development, and application of design techniques & methods, design processes, EDA design tools, and design methodologies. The conference attendees are primarily designers of the VLSI Integrated Circuits & Systems (IP & SoC), and those involved in the Research, Development and Application of EDA/CAD Tools and Design flows, Process/Device Technologists, and Manufacturing Specialists. ISQED emphasizes a holistic approach toward design quality and intends to highlight and accelerate cooperation among the IC Design, EDA, and Process Technology communities. ISQED 2002 will be held on March 18-21, 2002. Call for paper and other information is available from the conference web site at All other inquiries should be addressed to

Media Contact

Georgia Marszalek
ValleyPR for ISQED