International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design (ISQED)

Program at a Glance


Press Room
Press Room


Si2 Presentation

Monday, March 19, 2012


Rooms: TBD

This presentation will be followed by a networking reception with refreshments and hors d’oeuvres


OpenDFM - An Open Architecture to optimize design rules, layouts and patterning technologies.

Jake Buurma , VP of West Coast Operations , Silicon Integration Initiative (Si2)

Open Design for Manufacturability (OpenDFM) is an open standard from Si2 that uses pattern descriptors, instead of DRC rules, to describe the intent of physical verification and DFM optimization. Building on the concepts described by Dr. Puneet Gupt at his Monday ISQED tutorial on Design-Assisted Semiconductor Manufacturing, the OpenDFM presentation will describe how a standard set of pattern descriptors can describe layout patterns that increase yield, patterns that reduce yield and patterns the violate fundamental ground rules. The recent addition of DRC+ technology provides an alternative to expensive and time consuming lithographic and CMP simulations to find the critical yield defects hidden in the layout. OpenDFM not only identifies thousands of hotspots but uses targeting technology to reduce or eliminate the majority of hotspots with no increase in silicon area or loss of performance. The presentation will include a real time demonstration of processing a single set of OpenDFM rules that are translated and optimized into native rule decks for Mentor, Cadence, Synopsys and Magma physical verification tools.


About Jake Buurma

Jake Buurma currently serves as VP of West Coast Operations for the Silicon Integration Initiative (Si2). Mr. Buurma has more than 33 years of industry experience equally split between the design of integrated circuits at major semiconductor companies such as National Semiconductor and Toshiba Semiconductor and developing EDA software at companies such as Cadence Design Systems, Silicon Navigator and Aprio. Jake has worked extensively with global development teams in automated physical design, EDA software development and improving Design for Manufacturability (DFM) at sub-100nm process nodes. Jake has participated on several industry initiatives and has been an invited speaker at several Gary Hamel seminars on the topic of Innovation and Corporate Renewal. Mr. Buurma was a founding board member of the Virtual Socket Interface Alliance (VSIA) and he was the General Chairman of the Custom Integrated Circuit Conference (CICC). He has authored over 100 papers in technical conferences and engineering journals, he was a contributing author in the book Talking Chips, and the recipient of three patents in Analog and Digital Circuit Design. Mr. Buurma received his M.S.E.E. degree from Santa Clara University and graduated cum laude with a global MBA from Duke University