International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design (ISQED)

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Field Solver Solutions for System Level and RF

Session 4C

Wednesday March 24, 2010

10:30am–12 Noon

Room: Santa Clara

Dr. Dipanjan Gope, Vice President of Research and Development, Physware
Dr. Swagato Chakraborty, Vice President of Products, Physware
Professor Vikram Jandhyala, Director, Applied Computational Engineering Lab, University of Washington, Seattle

This tutorial will focus on challenges related to electromagnetic-aware design in emerging 3D scenarios. Broadband simulation, full-wave 3D extraction challenges, package-aware chip I/O design, power distribution network design, system-level signal and power integrity, simultaneous switching noise, and high-speed channel design are the critical applications addressed by the approaches in this tutorial. The tutorial will discuss simulation methodologies with particular emphasis on system-level simulation and RF effects, benefits and limitations, prescriptions for rapid design, the underlying theory of electromagnetic-circuit co-simulation, and provide an understanding of how to navigate the field solver space. The tutorial also discusses the challenges associated with field-aware design of SIP, SOC, POP, stacked die, and MCM configurations, and also introduces the emerging 3DIC scenario.