Reinforcement Learning for Testtime Optimization in the Network-on-Chip based Systems

Anantha Ganesh Karikar Kamath1, Aditya Kulkarni2, Himanshu Singh2, Kanchan Manna3
1BITS Pilani, Goa Campus, 2Dept. of CSIS, BITS Pilani, Goa Campus, 3Dept. of CSIS, BITS Pilani Goa Campus


Network on Chip (NoC) serves as a scalable and cost-effective choice for communication between the cores in multicore or manycore systems. As the number of cores on an Integrated Circuit (IC) increases, so does the risk of defects during manufacturing of these multicore systems. This makes the manufacturing test procedures increasingly important. Finding an optimal test schedule from the large-scale system is extremely time-consuming and a complex optimization task. In this paper, we propose a Machine Learning (ML) framework (MAPIC) to enhance the mapping of test cores to the IO pairs in the network, aiming to generate an optimal test schedule for the NoC-based system. The experimental results indicate the effectiveness of the proposed framework as it outperforms a meta-heuristic-based optimization technique.