Workshop III
and Interconnect Modeling for VDSM Era
Organizer & Moderator:
Narain D. Arora, Simplex Solutions
scaling has made possible designs with millions of transistors capable of
multi-GHz operations. These complex designs that results in first time silicon
success requires accurate representation of the models used for the simulations
and analysis of the design. The workshop provides an overview of the transistor
models and the interconnects that connects these millions of devices. The
workshop begins with the review of the simulation infrastructure as defined by
SPICE because it has a strong influence on the development of device models.
This infrastructure is relatively invariance despite the rapid changes in the
fabrication technology and computer programming methodology. Moreover it gives
an insight to what a good device model should be.
Model requirements in different type of simulations including DC,
transient, AC, noise will be presented. The
evolution of the BSIM model from its first generation to the most recent release
will be used as an example for the development of a device model.
The new modeling options currently available after years of model
development and their relative tradeoff will also be presented.
Finally, a discussion on how the accelerated technology development and
new software engineering paradigm may impact the traditional modeling
infrastructure will be given, together with some new possibilities made
available. The BSIM modeling approach is followed by surface potential based
model HiSIM, Hiroshima-university STARC IGFET Model. This is the first public
domain MOSFET model for circuit simulation, based on the complete
drift-diffusion approximation. Since HiSIM models all advanced MOSFET phenomena
closely based on their physical origins, only a small number of model parameters
are required. The HiSIM2 aiming at RF applications will also be presented. The
later half part of the workshop is devoted to interconnect modeling. Practical
methods of accurately estimating R, C, and L of a given circuit layout that
maximizes the accuracy while minimizing the time and resources that such
accuracy demands will be reviewed. This is followed by other related issues as
model order reduction and silicon validation of the models. Decreasing slew
rates and efforts to reduce the RC delays of on-chip interconnect through design
and technology have resulted in the growing importance of inductance in
analyzing interconnect response for timing and noise analysis.
In the final session we will
consider recent advances in techniques to extract and analyze inductance. We
will also describe characterization procedures for silicon validation of
high-frequency on-chip interconnects models, including S-parameter-based
frequency-domain measurements and time-domain techniques.
Workshop Schedule:
Session III-1
simulation and device modeling for new generation to come
Chan, University of California
at Berkeley
10:15-10:30 coffee
Session III-2
The 100nm-MOSFET Model HiSIM and Its Extension to RF Applications
Hiroo Masuda, M. Miura-Mattausch, STARC and University of Hiroshima, Japan
12:15-1:15pm lunch
Session III-3
of VLSI interconnect modeling in the DSM era
Arora, Simplex Solutions, Sunnyvale
3:00-3:15pm coffee
Session III-4
A practical approach of chip level interconnect inductance extraction
Kenneth L. Shepard, Columbia University, New York
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